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This site is in compliance with COPPA (Children's Online Privacy Act)

Counter:  All pages of the "Leonidas and Gorgo of Sparta" website set a cookie that is only good for the day you are visiting the site. This is so the web mistress and Helena can see what countries visitors are coming from, what browser they are using, what pages interest them, and other useful information for maintaining a pleasing website for people to visit.  The path goes to because this is a utility used for the counter.  The counter does not collect any personal information about you.

Guest Book: The guest book, sets a cookie that is only good till you close your browser.  This and subsequent guest book related pages (if you sign the guest book) is a cookie that will help the script to cut down on the SPAM guest books are prone to.  The script will also initiate an e-mail that will notify Helena about a guest book entry.  This way, she and the web mistress can keep the guest book monitored and within the Safe Surf labeling for this site.

Please remember that only a name and comment are required fields for the guest book.  If you have concerns about minors signing the guest book, or that your e-mail address will be harvested by SPAM bots, please do not put an e-mail address in that field.  We have no control over SPAM bots that spider the net.  We will not personally collect any e-mail addresses or websites for advertisers.

By signing the guest book, you agree to allow other web visitors to view your comments.  We will contact you (if a valid e-mail address is available) should we wish to use the comment or a portion of the comment in another venue (such as a huge compliment or a great review about one of Helena's books).  If a valid e-mail address is not available, we may still use the comment unless you send a private e-mail directly to Helena or the web mistress saying it may not be used in any other form elsewhere.

Further, if you leave a valid e-mail address in the guest book, we will assume that this is an e-mail address we can use to tell you about Helena's future book releases.

We reserve the right to delete any guest book entry.

Order Links:  Some pages have a link to to order Helena's books.  This link sets a cookie to track the fact that you are looking at possibly buying her books, and also tells us if any are purchased.  Again, this does not track any personal information about who you are.  It is only an aid for the web mistress and Helena to see whether the presentation of books is effective.

Child Safe Surfing:  We can assure parents that everything on this site is SafeSurf and COPPA compliant.  We cannot guarantee that someone cannot find something that is not COPPA compliant from one of our links.  For instance, Helena's books are available through and our links lead directly to her books.  But if one chooses to go beyond the page we point to, they can find material unsuitable for children that is sold there.  This is also true of the book video trailers.

Contents of this web site are copyrighted. ©1993-2012 Helena P. Schrader.  To use the material
of this site, please contact Helena Schrader.   If you experience any problems with this site,
please contact the web mistress.

Last updated September, 2012
Site design and maintenance
Crystal Cloud Graphics    
Web Hosting