Sparta title header

bulletLINKS bullet

Many of these links are excellent for further information and resources on ancient Sparta. Some of these links also put you in touch with very interesting, helpful and loving people on the Web. Sit back, start clicking, and browse your way through some pages that are very enjoyable.

bullet300 Spartan Warriors

The main purpose of this website is to provide an accurate depiction of the warriors' armor and weapons and a more authoritative summation of the events as they happened at Thermopylae ("Hot Gates") in August 480 BC.

bulletAncient Greece - Crystal Links

A good index to a variety of topics related to ancient Greece.  Although not directly related to Sparta, I found the section on the Gordian Knot fascinating.

bulletCrystal Cloud Graphics

Designer of this web site.  At Crystal Cloud Graphics you can commission designs such as this, or you can take advantage of the many free web sets and graphics the site offers.

bulletElysium Gates Web Host

This is where I am hosting my web site.   The service is excellent, the prices are reasonable.  Best is that the fees also go to help charities!

bulletHistorical Novel Society

If you like historical novels, this is a great site to surf.  At present, the Historical Novel Society boasts over 900 members worldwide: authors, publishers, booksellers, librarians, general readers, and more. The Historical Novels Review aims to review every new work of adult historical fiction released in the USA or the UK.  Selected titles from Canada, Australia, and New Zealand are also reviewed, as are selected children's/young adult titles, for a grand total of over 800 reviews per year.  If you love Helena's books, please consider telling them.  

bulletHistory of Ancient Sparta

Visit this site for a simplified chronological history.  There is a short synopsis of each period of history.

bulletHollow  Lakedaimon: The Online Phitidion

This site focuses on hoplites and their battle strategies.

bulletMike Anderson's Ancient History Blog

Blog about the history of ancient Rome and Greece, including political systems and culture.

bulletSpartan Warrior Philosophy

Comments on the warrior spirit and a continued search to re-create it in our own lives.  Interesting reads with lots of good trivia.

Contents of this web site are copyrighted. ©1993-2012 Helena P. Schrader.  To use the material
of this site, please contact Helena Schrader.   If you experience any problems with this site,
please contact the web mistress.

Last updated September, 2012
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